Message in a Bottle

Haven't you ever wanted to find a message in a bottle?

This is an open call for anyone excited to be a part of a social experiment. We're launching messages in bottles out to the world.  If you've found one or left one behind, map it here! You can also follow the Bottle Project on Instagram and Twitter using #BottleMessage.

Most of us have never actually found a message in a bottle and yet the idea of it is as familiar to us as our own reflection.  We have each imagined and hoped for that moment. It is a moment you can't buy with money. Instead it is a genuinely human connection. Just the idea that someone you don't know sat down and wrote something they hoped would be read by another. They hoped it would be powerful enough to break through the noise of life to have an impact however slight on another human soul. The mere idea evokes the feeling of amazing. 

Please help us give this world an experience it is searching for. A meaningful message in a bottle.

How you can help:
Thoughtfully create your message. Look inside yourself and life experience to connect on a deep level with another unknown person who like you has imagined walking on the beach, barefoot, searching the shoreline for a message.

Please write, draw, or paint your meaningful message. If you include a quote explain why it has meaning for you. Share something genuine and personal. This is your message to the world. Your insight. Your gift. Be creative. 

Submit your message below, or mail to us at:
Public City
6688 North Central Expressway, Suite 1600
Dallas, TX 75206

The bottles accommodate 6.5inch in height. All messages will be cut down so that one side is no longer than 6.5inches.